Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Rotary International Debate - 2021

Debating teaches important skills that can be transferred to any aspect of our life. Regardless of one’s ability, there will always be a substantial benefit in learning to debate. Debating is about presenting your argument in the most effective manner and it gives you the opportunity to articulate your thoughts with clarity.

The aim of this debate is to make students conscientious and mature members of society. For this inter-school event, two teams were formed. The first team was composed of Vamika Arya (11 A), Aradhya Neogy Singh(11 G) and Ganant Awasthi (11 A) and the second team was composed of Sukanya Ramachandran(11 J), Vidanshi Saraswat(11 J)  and Karthik Ramachandran(11 B). 
Vamika Arya
Ganant Awasthi

Aradhya Neogy Singh

Karthik Ramachandran
Sukanya Ramchandran
Vidanshi Saraswat

The first team won the 1st Round and we are proud to say that Vamika Arya of 11A has been awarded the best speaker award. Also, she has been adjudged a speaker of exceptional merit in the International Asian Parliamentary Debate 2021. 

The motions for this debate were: 
1.Decisions about Children’s mental health should be made by medical professionals and not by parents,
2.Democratic countries should levy a hundred percent inheritance tax on citizens
3.Defining a decade should not be opposed. 

The participants were expected to either speak ‘for’ or ‘against’ these motions. The participants who participated in this event were awarded Participation certificates. 

The session was a kaleidoscope of opinions, thoughts, ideas, and perspectives that definitely enhanced the knowledge and understanding of the topic among the participants.

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